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International Affairs and Linkages Unit

     The International Affairs and Linkages Unit under the office of the President is mandated to lead the university in addressing the call for the internationalization of higher education institution. It is the frontline office responsible for the planning of the Internationalization Agenda and monitoring of its implementation. Among others, the Unit promotes the Internationalization of the Curriculum and aims to strengthen the university’s international engagements in instruction, research, extension, and production.

     The IALU is mandated to lead the university in addressing the call for the internationalization of higher education institution. It is the frontline office responsible for the planning of the Internationalization Agenda and monitoring of its implementation. Among others, the Unit promotes the Internationalization of the Curriculum and aims to strengthen the university’s international engagements in instruction, research, extension, and production.


The International Affairs and Linkages Unit (IALU) of Bukidnon State University serves as a facilitative hub for global engagement, fostering cross-cultural understanding, collaboration, and academic exchange nationally and across borders. The unit facilitates student exchanges, international internships, study abroad programs, faculty exchanges, faculty participation in national and international conferences, trainings, and seminars, research collaborations, and extension partnerships. These activities both inbound and outbound promotes a global perspective among faculty and students while advancing educational excellence on a broader scale.


The unit specifically accomplishes the following:

News and Updates

BukSU COL, IALU Strengthens Tie with National Taiwan Ocean University

Faculty members from Bukidnon State University’s College of Law (COL), …

BukSU IT Faculty Member presents AI Research on Higher Education in China

Dr. Rozanne Tuesday G. Flores a faculty member of the …

BukSU Faculty Member Awarded SHAPE-SEA Research Grant, Attends Training in Bangkok

A faculty member from Bukidnon State University (BukSU) has been …

BukSU Celebrates ASEAN Month with Student Competitions

Bukidnon State University (BukSU) commemorated the 57th anniversary of the …

Int’l student mobility competitions conclude with BukSU ranking 1st, 2nd, 3rd places

Bukidnon State University’s International Affairs and Linkages Unit hosted the …

BukSU, IIED pilot tests a new tool for advancing locally-led conservation in Ph

Bukidnon State University led by SMART BukSU President Dr. Joy …

BukSU kicks off talks with Camosun College for Partnership

In a collaboration meeting with the university’s key academic officials, …

Manaaki NZ scholarships programme opens for BukSU

Bukidnon State University welcomed Aotearoa New Zealand (NZ) Ambassador Peter …

  • Organizational Structure
  • Internationalization Framework
  • International Linkages
  • Services

the internationalization framework of bukidnon state university

Memberships and Partnerships (with Existing MOU and MOA)
The International Affairs Unit offers the following services:
  1. Language and Culture Orientation
  2. Student Services Support
  3. Visa/Travel Abroad Assistance
  4. Internationalization of the Curriculum Support
  5. International Linkages & Scholarships
  6. Reputation and Visibility
  7. International Accreditation

Recent Activities

July 17 - 27, 2023
Foreign Travel of Mr. Kent John Benemerito, College of Education - BSE General Science Student - to Seoul, South Korea and Danang, Vietnam for the International Student Mobility and Exchange ASEAN-Korea K-ONNECT Youth Network Workshop 2023
June 29 - July 1, 2023
Attendance to the Global-level Working Group on the Governance of Protected and Conserved Areas Led by Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities by Dr. Joy M. Mirasol (Cambridge, UK)
February 14 - 21, 2023
Mr. Joshua Jim H. Bolotaolo was among the select 20 grantees from all over the Philippines who qualified for the “Japan’s Friendship Ties Program JENESYS 2022 Inbound Program Batch 40 (Food Safety)”, an international student exchange program sponsored by JENESYS (Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths).
June 25 - 28, 2023
Dr. Rizza Ramos-Consad, Director of the International Affairs and Linkages Unit (IALU) of the President's Office, Bukidnon State University-Main Campus, represented the university as one of the twenty state universities and colleges that comprised the Philippine delegation to the British Columbia Council International Education Week.
September 21-25, 2020
International Cross-Cultural Day 2020 of UBAYA with the Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific (AUAP) in collaboration with the University of Surabaya, Indonesia and Surabaya University, Indonesia; with BukSU CAS, CON, COB teachers and students
September 14-15, 2020
IA Coordinators’ Writeshop - consolidated the Outputs of the 2 Mentoring Sessions to come up with the 6 Priority Projects of BukSU – IAU and more than 30 programs, considering CMO 55, s. 2016, and other advisories/ CMOs and Agenda.
September 14-15, 2020
IA Coordinators’ Writeshop - consolidated the Outputs of the 2 Mentoring Sessions to come up with the 6 Priority Projects of BukSU – IAU and more than 30 programs, considering CMO 55, s. 2016, and other advisories/ CMOs and Agenda.
July 20-25, 2020
Virtual International Social Business Summer Program 2020 (Financial Management and Economics Program); AUAP and DIU (Daffodil University, Bangladesh)
June 15-25, 2020
– Student Mobility - Ecotourism and Sustainable Development (Hotel and Restaurant Management and Economics Students): Passage to ASEAN with Binus University, Indonesia
July 21-23, 2020
Training on Qualitative Research by the Asian Qualitative Research Association (CAS, COE, RDU, IAU)
February 27-29, 2020, March 15, 2020 and June 22-24, 2020
Mentoring Sessions with CHED-IAS (Commission on Higher Education – International Affairs Staff) and CHEDRO X (CHED Regional Office 10)
February 27-29, 2020, March 15, 2020 and June 22-24, 2020
Mentoring Sessions with CHED-IAS (Commission on Higher Education – International Affairs Staff) and CHEDRO X (CHED Regional Office 10)
February 27-29, 2020, March 15, 2020 and June 22-24, 2020
Mentoring Sessions with CHED-IAS (Commission on Higher Education – International Affairs Staff) and CHEDRO X (CHED Regional Office 10)
February 24-25, 2020
Formation of Teachers in Challenged Areas: Motivation, meaning, and Mission in Teaching – a talk by Dr. Julia Maria Gonzalez Ferreras and Dr. Emma T. Melgarejo of EDIW (Education for a Interdependent World); COE Faculty and Students
February 24-25, 2020
Formation of Teachers in Challenged Areas: Motivation, meaning, and Mission in Teaching – a talk by Dr. Julia Maria Gonzalez Ferreras and Dr. Emma T. Melgarejo of EDIW (Education for a Interdependent World); COE Faculty and Students
January 27-28, 2020
Trends in Language Studies: Implications for Multilingual Communities and Education, with Dr. Ahmar Mahboob of Sydney University; BAEL Students, LLD & SSD Faculty, COE Faculty, MAELT and PhD EL Students
October 30, 2019
The proposed Federal System of Government: Implication and Integration of IP Communities by BukSU IAU and Government Affairs Department, and Hans Seidel Foundation
July 24, 2019
MOA Signing with the Sawaga River Press Extension Project of LLD & it was spearheaded by Dr. Rizza R. Consad. This project also involves the Bukidnon Studies Center concerning the “Jack & Agyu” children’s book by Atty. Justine Villanueva.
July 24, 2019
MOA Signing with the Sawaga River Press Extension Project of LLD & it was spearheaded by Dr. Rizza R. Consad. This project also involves the Bukidnon Studies Center concerning the “Jack & Agyu” children’s book by Atty. Justine Villanueva.
January 23, 2024
The International Affairs and Linkages Unit (IALU) of Bukidnon State University organised an information session on the Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship programme, led by New Zealand Ambassador Peter Kell.
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