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Services Offered and Procedure

Visit to Museum & Bukidnon Studies Library

Requiring the guest to follow health protocol before entering the building: wash hands by using the hand-wash facility located just beside the main door of the building or apply hand-sanitizer

RegistrationThe guest is assisted in in filling-in the Guest List.
AccommodationMuseum is located in the 2nd floor of the BSC building. The Bukidnon Studies material can be accessed in the mini library of BSC.
Upon ExitFeedback form has to be filled-in by the guest.
Internship for Students
Pre-admissionRequest/Endorsement letter from the Internship Adviser is required.
AdmissionThe student-intern undergoes orientation after filling-up the Information Sheet Form.
Internship ProperStudent-intern will be assigned to specific section of Bukidnon Studies Center with corresponding monitoring and evaluation activities.
Internship ConclusionSubmission of requirements as indicated in the BSC Manual.
Post InternshipFeedbacking and sharing of experiences is done before releasing the student-intern’s grade.
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