The two human figures at the bottom of the seal signify the many diverse relationships that are always in nature in the world of business and commerce – the employer and the employee, the producer and the user, the seller and the buyer, the contractor and the lessor, the labor and the management.
It is the world that the College of Business, formerly the College of Business Administration, Accountancy, Hospitality and Public Governance prepares its graduates to find their niche in a practical world that depends on systems, routines, and people.
The circle above the human figures represents the flywheel of trade and business that the graduates of the College are to help rotate, engendering economics, progress and prosperity. The circling motion represented by the flywheel connotes the eternal and lasting quality of business which persist in spite of revolutions, upheavals and radical reforms thus rendering a performance in the world of business.
The lamp signifies the illumination that the education provides for the Filipino student to radiate a monochrome of life. The lamp burns and sparks the minds of the students in preparation for their entry into the world of their chosen profession. The blue circle indicates the name of the college emphasizing identity and ownership of the responsibility to deliver quality education and business.